缓冲因子Revelle Factor
什么是revelle factor?
有学者1定义了 $\gamma_{DIC}$ , $\beta_{DIC}$ , $\omega_{DCI}$, $\gamma_{Alk}$, $\beta_{Alk}$, $\omega_{Alk}$ 缓冲因子 2
\[Revelle\ Factor = TCO_2 \{ [CO_2] + [CO_3^{2-}] \}^{-1}\]references
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黄江浔,李清光,安丽,等.喀斯特小流域地表水碳酸盐系统化学平衡对酸性矿山废水的缓冲作用[J].中国岩溶,2023,42(01):19-28. ↩︎
Zhang W, Wang W, Zhong J, et al. Carbon sequestration and decreased CO2 emission caused by biological carbon pump effect: Insights from diel hydrochemical variations in subtropical karst reservoirs[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 632: 130909. ↩︎
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