$CO_2$ 和 $CH_4$ 溶存浓度/分压
溶解无机碳(dissolved inorganic carbon, DIC)组成是 $CO_2(eq)$ 、 $H_2CO_3$ 、 $CO_3^{2-}$ 和 $HCO_3^-$
\[[DIC] = [CO_3^{2-}] + [HCO_3^-] +[H_2CO_3]+[CO_2]\]碱度Alkalinity
总碱度total alkalinity
\[TA= [HCO_3^-]+2[CO_3^{2-}] +[OH^-] - [H^+]\]Henry’s law
\[c_w = K_HP\]其中 $c_w$ 气体在水中平衡浓度, mol/L
$K_H$ 亨利定律常数, mol/(L·atm)
$p$ 气体在大气中的平衡分压, Pa 或 atm
亨利常数 $K_H$
$CO_2$ 溶解
\[pK_{CO_2} = -7 \times 10^{-5}T^2 +0.016T +1.11\] \[pK_1 = 1.1 \times 10^{-4}T^2 -0.012T +6.58\] \[pK_2 = 9 \times 10^{-5}T^2 -0.0137T +10.62\]calculation
$pCO_2$ 水化学平衡法
\(pCO_2 = \frac{[HCO_3^-] [H^+]}{K_{CO_2}K_1}\)
顶空平衡法 pCO2
\[C_W = C_1RTK_H + ( C_0-C_1 ) \frac{V_0}{V_1}\]包括顶空平衡法计算过程1
\[ln K_0 = A_1 + A_2 \frac{100}{T} + A_3 ln \frac{T}{100}\]$pCO_2$的计算3
4 溶解甲烷浓度 dCH4
\[ln\beta =A_1+A_2(100/T)+A_3ln(T/100)+S(B_1+B_2(T/100)+B_3(T/100)^2)\](Weiss 1970)5 给出以上公式以及 $N_2$ $O_2$ Ar 的参数A B
(Weiss 1974)6
calculation pGas
\[pGas = \frac{(p_{Final}*K_{0Equilibrium})+HS/S (p_{final}-p_{initial})/V_m}{K_{0sample}}\] \[lnK_{CO_2} = -58.0931+90.5069 \frac{100}{T_K}+ 22.294 ln \frac{T_K}{100}\] \[lnK_{CH_4} = -115.6477+\frac{155.5756}{T_K/100} +65.2553ln\frac{T_K}{100}- 6.1698 \frac{T_K}{100}\] \[ln\beta = -68.8862+101.4956 \frac{100}{T_K}+ 28.7314 ln \frac{T_K}{100}\] \[K_{CH_4} = \beta /22.4\]李航,王晓锋,袁兴中等.淡水生态系统温室气体通量检测方法综述[J].湖泊化学,2023,35(04):1153-1175. http://www.jlakes.org/html/2023/4/20230402.html#outline_anchor_30 ↩︎
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